All About My Experience Studying Abroad in Madrid, Spain

  1. Quinn says:

    Well done! You sound like you crushed it! I wasn’t a fan of my year abroad at all, but I think that was down to a few different factors like 1. that it was a full year, 2. I didn’t want to go but it was compulsory, 3. I was with Scrubs and the idea of long distance for a year was not ideal, 4. I was in a small little town rather than a city.

    Basically, I was glad to come home. Had I gone to Madrid though I think I would have had an absolute blast! Although, I have extended family there so that would have been cheating…!

    • Thanks Quinn! Sorry to hear about your time abroad- I think an entire year would be a little much for me as well. Doing long distance for 6 months has been hard enough, but a year would be crazy! I’m really happy that I studied in a big city. So much to do and see 🙂

  2. Mary Etzel says:

    Beautifully written, Kerry; I almost felt as if I were there with you. Can’t wait to see you soon. Love, N

  3. What a beautiful post Kerry! Congrats! I always share your experience in this article with sooo many just-landed US students that ask us to join our team of speakers/teachers every year at the small company I work for in Madrid, Ingles en la Urba. I came to Madrid in 2014 from a small city in UK, and Madrid always felt great, I love it! And I dediced to stay of course! Remember how it felt when you took your first ride in Madrid Metro? 🙂 Great article! Thank you for sharing your experience!

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