I'm a travel content creator based outside of D.C. I'm currently living the laptop lifestyle and am passionate towards helping others do the same!
One of the biggest mistakes I made when moving to my college dorm room was OVERPACKING. Seriously- it took hours to move everything in, and when I moved out, only a fraction of my stuff fit in the car! It took about three trips to bring everything back home.
Now that I am going into my senior year of college, I look back and realize I did not need half the stuff I brought with me. I didn’t use most of my belongings, and my dorm room felt cluttered. I want you to learn from my mistakes, and pack the college dorm room essentials that you ACTUALLY will need. I used the Bed Bath and Beyond college dorm checklist when I first started shopping for college, but honestly, a lot of the checklist is just unnecessary items that you MIGHT need.
At first, you should pack the basic dorm room necessities, and if you realize you need something, buy it AFTER you have moved in. Bringing too much stuff honestly brought me stress instead of comfort. That’s why I’ve compiled an ultimate college dorm room checklist of dorm essentials that you REALLY need; things that I could not have lived without when I was living in the dorms.
This list doesn’t include clothing items; that will be for another blog post! These are the essential items that I actually used throughout the year while living in a college dorm room.
Printable college dorm room checklist
Exploring the world, one step at a time.