7 Useful Travel Tips For Solo Female Travelers

  1. Great tips! I love solo travelling but still get nervous from time to time. I never thought about writing my address down physically – I’ve only ever done it digitally and there were times when my phone died (but I always carry a charger with me).

  2. shonatalks says:

    These are really good ideas. Unfortunately, as women we are deemed as weaker and this shouldn’t stop of us from being able to do the things that we want to do. We should be allowed freedom. It’s a shame that we can’t get drunk and be carefree all the time and its a shame that we have to do things like wear fake engagement rings to be left alone. However these are incredible tips and safety is never for discussion. Especially when visiting less commercial countries with vastly different cultures. Fantastic Post!

    • Thank you!! It is a shame. Instead, we have to constantly have our guard up and always have safety on our minds. My family worries about me more than I do for myself when I travel alone! Haha. But thank you so much- I’m so happy you liked it!!

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