10 Things You Should Know Before Starting a Travel Blog | Blogging Basics

  1. Feira says:

    This is very useful information. I will feature travel on my lifestyle blog. Great tips!

    • thepetitewanderer says:

      Thank you! Travel and Lifestyle go perfectly together. I will go check out your blog to stay updated 🙂

  2. Thanks for the tips. I followed your suggestion and joined some FB blog networks.
    Good luck!!

    • thepetitewanderer says:

      That’s awesome!! I am excited to connect with you on the FB groups 🙂 Thank you, and good luck to you as well!

  3. Navneet says:

    Hey I just loved your post! Thanks a tonne and I’m not yet self hosted but I think after reading I must as it’s high time.

    • thepetitewanderer says:

      Thanks so much! I was so unsure about becoming self-hosted, but I am seriously so happy I did it. I thought it was going to be really confusing to transfer all of my files over to the self-hosted site, but SiteGround made it super easy! They did everything for me!!!

  4. Dee says:

    Thanks. I just started my blog, and I am about to start taking as many pictures as I can for it. I won’t give up

    • thepetitewanderer says:

      That’s so excited!! Good luck with your blog 🙂 Definitely take lots of pictures! That way you will have a big library to choose from when writing blog posts!

  5. Lucy says:

    Great post! I have a question! I really want to change my blog over to self-hosted, but I travel a lot and I am worried about how many backups and updates you have to do. Is it a lot? Thank you!

    • thepetitewanderer says:

      Thanks Lucy! You should totally go self hosted. I am pretty sure that they are backed up regularly by siteground, but I am not positive so I would double check. I have not noticed a difference in my blogging maintenance since switching 🙂 The only thing that changed for me was gaining a bunch more freedom with my blog.Self hosting is a great way to go if you really want to take your blog seriously!!!

  6. Laura says:

    I love all of these ideas babe!! I just started blogging this year and I think I finally figured out SEO! I also requested to join the tight nit community you suggested – I think that is one thing I am missing! Thanks for the recommendation 🙂

  7. I had no idea about the Facebook groups. Thank you so much for the helpful tip 🙂

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