5 Magical Things To Do In Salzburg, Austria | How to Fall in Love With Salzburg

  1. Eden Jayne says:

    As a huge of Sound of Music (and travel), I’ve been wanting to visit Salzburg for years. Plus, it seems breathtakingly beautiful! I’m glad you enjoyed your trip!

  2. WOw this place is absolutely magical!!! thanks for sharing! 😀

  3. Salzburg surprised me with its breathtaking beauty. Guess I should’ve known that going in! Great recommendations here!

  4. Adrienne Crist says:

    Was just there on a one day visit from Germany. Spent a good chunk of time buying a dirndal but enjoyed some of the sites you listed. The shops are first rate. What a lovely city that has stunning views! There is a parking structure in the mountain right in the middle of the city, on the very edge of the old city center. Hope that helps someone else!

    • thepetitewanderer says:

      It’s such a beautiful city! I was only there for a few days, and I would love to go back. Good to know about the parking structure!!

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