
5 Cities In Spain You MUST Visit! Spain Travel Guide

  1. Abigail Sinsona says:

    Spain is just beautiful and you are lucky to have traveled to some of these cities. Barcelona is number one on my list too, and your photos confirm why. But I’ve always been curious about Valencia too! That museum and its architecture is breathtaking!

    • Spain is my favorite country. Valencia is such a neat city- you have the historical old town, and then a mile or two away you have this incredible, futuristic “city”!

  2. Spain is a place I really need to revisit. I didn’t think of going because of the food, as I dont eat any ham or pork. I really like the suggestions, and the advise. Granada looks really nice and interesting as well. Thank you for this

    • Although ham and pork are heavily used in Spanish food, there are so many amazing dishes that are completely vegetarian or made with different types of meat! Granada is beautiful. Your’e welcome, and thank you!

  3. Rajlakshmi says:

    San Sebastian looks my kind of city … I love waterfronts 🙂 The Barcelona skyline is so pretty. Love it 😀

  4. Only 1 out of 5 🙂 Which means lots of adventures ahead 😉

  5. Admin says:

    I can’t believe I live so close to this beautiful country but have never been to these cities… that must change asap!

  6. Rajni.gandha says:

    I loved Granada, Seville and Madrid and definitely want to go to Valencia and Barcelona. Have heard so much about Basque country San Sebastian too. Spain is one place which never ceases to surprise!

  7. megcale says:

    I was JUST in Madrid and LOVED it. I went to Barcelona a few years ago and really loved the art and architecture there. I’ll have to keep these places in mind for my next trip.

  8. Kate Storm says:

    Some great travel destinations on here! Of these cities, we’ve only been to Madrid… went to Sevilla instead of Granada, but hoping to make it back to Andaluscia for more one day! I’m always so torn on Barcelona, but it sure looks beautiful.

    • Sevilla is a great city too! I was only there for a day, so I didn’t get to know it as well as some other Spanish cities. Barcelona is worth a visit, even though it is a bit touristy.

  9. All of these cities look amazing and your photography is beautiful! I *almost* hiked the Camino this fall, but chose to hike in Switzerland instead. I look forward to someday visiting Spain, though!

  10. I have only been to Barcelona from your list, but I now want to visit them all! I love Spain & it’s so close to me, I need to make these new trips!

  11. Nicole Anderson says:

    This was a interesting post to read. Of the five cities you have mentioned, I would probably want to visit San Sebastian the most for its hiking. The other city that I have heard a lot about is Seville but this did not make this list as we all have our own favorites. Lovely informative post.

    • San Sebastian is so beautiful. I really did enjoy Sevilla, but I didn’t have enough time to truly experience the city. Plus, My friend from Granada always says “Cordoba and Granada are better!” Haha!

  12. Ressa says:

    ALWAYS wanted to go to Spain and hopefully planning on going there sometime soon!!! Because of your post, I now want to see San Sebastian and Valencia! I wonder about the affordability in staying there long term?

  13. Iva says:

    San Sebastian for nature, and Valencia for museums! These would be our ideal places, and hopefully, we would be able to visit in the coming years 🙂

  14. Meg says:

    Wonderful write up of these cities. My family hosted an exchange student from Barcelona when I was in high school, and although I’ve traveled throughout Europe, I’ve never been to Spain. I would love to visit, and I think I’d want to spend time in the different regions, because I’ve heard they vary so much. Thanks for the information!

    • Thanks Meg! That’s really interesting, I’m sure you learned a little about the Barcelona culture while she was living with you! Its true, Spain is so diverse, it almost feels like each region is a totally different country!!

  15. Yukti says:

    Spain is my favourite country. From your five cities I missed San Sebastain as it was in north and I was running out of time, so I did Seville. Very correct Barcelona is favorite amongst tourists for famous Park Guella and tapas. Beautiful information of Spainish cities.

  16. CJ Haughey says:

    So far with Spain I only have family vacations to Gran Canaria as a kid to go by, so the amazing culture, food and history is all a mystery of me. Cities like Madrid and Barcelona look like a lot of fun, really wanna get there sooooooon!

  17. James says:

    From the list of five cities in Spain I must visit I have only visited Barcelona and Madrid. I am visiting San Sebastian this fall so it was good to get a sneak preview of it here and I hope to get better weather than you got! I didn’t know it was the capital of culture in Europe last year. Another place I want to visit in Valencia, I hope one day to be able to visit and photograph the Arts and Sciene museum.

    • You will love San Sebastian. Its a lot of people’s favorite city in Spain! I hope you do get better weather- however the rain did help cool it down a little. Valencia is lovely! I wish I had brought my better camera with me so I could shoot more at the city of arts and sciences.

  18. karlitak says:

    These are some of the greatest cities on earth, however I’m still much more partial to Spanish pueblos. Great pics!! Cheers

  19. Suma says:

    Your list on must visit Spanish cities is right on point! I have visited Madrid, Valencia, and Barcelona, but yet to visit the rest two. I love all three cities, they are all so unique in their own ways, full of history, stunning architecture and the lively Spanish culture. Barcelona is one of my favourite among all, especially for Gaudi’s masterpieces.

    • Thanks Suma! They really are different. Spain is great because it has so many different cultures in one country. I’d love to see the Sagrada Familia after its finished.

  20. Abhinav Singh says:

    I have been researching a log about Spain off late as I am planning a trip here soon. Madrid is of course on top of the mind for the reasons you mentioned here. For a first timer like me Barcelona is also on cards. But I had not heard of the other 3 cities. San Sebastián sounds interesting. North of Spain sounds so much like North of India, my country. I am an outdoor person and I think I would love San Sebastián for the Treks and hikes it offers.

    • Barcelona and Madrid are musts for a fist time in Spain. San Sebastian is one of the nicest cities that not as many people know about. If you get the chance, you should make a trip there. Its a 5 hour bus ride from Madrid.

  21. janinebeynon says:

    Great post! I live in Valencia so I’m super glad it’s mentioned here. I love it here! I’ve visited all of these apart from San Sebastian, definitely need to visit the north

  22. I would love to road trip Spain! Mostly, I’d love to see the landscape there, but these cities would have to be on the list as well.

  23. Monica says:

    This is a great list, I’m always hearing such amazing things about San Sebastian, I totally want to go myself and eat everything in sight! Thanks for the reminder 😀

  24. I am going to Barcelona in October but I wish I had more time because I would love to check all these other cities out! Oh well, it looks like I’m going to have to make a return trip to Spain!

  25. All gorgeous choices, although it’s been a long time since I went to San Sebastian and Granada. My other favourite is Cadiz, with the city almost surrounded by water.

  26. Rachel says:

    I’ve visited Barcelona a couple of times this year and I’ve really fallen in love with the city. It just seems to have a bit of everything! I’d love to visit Madrid and Valencia! xo

  27. Great post! I’ve visited all but Granada. Hopefully, one day, I’ll be able to get back over there to cross it off my list! Great pics, too! =)

  28. You didn’t list my favourite city – Seville – but I’ll forgive you because you have included Valencia which I also love. I enjoyed the rundown of your five favourites, none of which could be excluded from anyone’s list of places to visit in Spain, one of my favourite countries.

    • I loved Seville too. Unfortunately, I didn’t get the chance to spend enough time there to really become acquainted with the city. The Alcazar was amazing! I’m happy you enjoyed it, thank you!!

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